Providing it is in its original condition we’ll gladly refund or exchange it for you. Please ensure that the product is in its original packaging and accompanied with your proof of purchase.
We offer free returns if the product is defective or the return is a result of our error. In this case, we will add your reasonable postage costs to your refund. If the item is returned for any other reason you are responsible for the return shipping cost.
Our address is:
Returns Department
Town Talk Polish Company Ltd
Slater Lane
BL1 2TQ England
Your right to return or cancel product orders does not apply to any goods that have been made to measure or personalised. This does not affect your statutory rights if goods are faulty or not as described. If you have any questions regarding our Returns Policy please contact us.
Contact us
We’re always pleased to hear from our customers, so if you have any feedback or questions about our products, please get in touch.